About the Course
Welcome to the training of TB Champions!Thank you for your willingness to join with us in the mission to end TB in India.
We congratulate you for winning over the TB disease, by completing the treatment and proving yourself as a Champion.
We believe you can be a role model to the community and motivate many other individuals to seek health care for TB. This training will help you to become a TB Champion!
Earn a career certificate

No Instructor(s)
Pre - Test
Lesson 1- TB Champions: Introduction to Tuberculosis
TB Screening: Children Younger than 10 Years
TB Infection Vs Active TB Disease
TB Infection
Progression to TB Disease
Symptoms of TB Disease
Mode of TB Transmission
Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis
Burden of TB in India
Tuberculosis [TB]
Lesson 2- TB Champions: TB Diagnosis And Treatment
Principles and Methods of Testing for TB diagnosis
Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis [DS-TB]
Treatment Regimen for DSTB – Adult
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis [DR-TB]
Prevention of TB
Key Messages for TB Counselling
Lesson 3- TB Champions: NTEP Programme and Services under NTEP
NTEP NSP targets
National Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25
National TB Elimination Program [NTEP]
Organizational Structure of NTEP
TB Forum
NTEP Integration into Public Health System
DBT Schemes in NTEP
Travel support for people with TB
Transport Support for TB Patients in Notified Tribal Areas
National TB Call Centre (Ni-kshay Sampark)
Introduction to TB Aarogya Sathi Application for Patients
Lesson 4- TB Champions: Stigma related to TB, Myths and misconceptions related to TB
Stigma and Discrimination towards TB Patient
Lesson 5- TB Champions: Role of TB Champions
TB Champion
Role of a TB Champion
Lesson 6- TB Champions: Training of TB Champion
Stigma and Discrimination towards TB Patient
Advocacy skills for TB Champions
Communication Skills for TB Champions
Post - Assessement
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